Strike The Right Workforce Strategy To Gain A Competitive Advantage

Strike the right workforce strategy to gain a competitive advantage

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Strike the right workforce strategy to gain a competitive advantage

  • Publish Date: Posted 2 months ago
  • Author: Rebecca Graves

When planning for future workforce needs, flexibility is the key for businesses to lead in their fields – as NRL’s Egremont Director Rebecca Graves discussed with In-Cumbria business magazine.

With new engineering projects gaining approval, the UK’s nuclear future continuing to evolve and net zero plans progressing, it brings more opportunities for businesses to expand. From diversifying into complementary industry sectors to taking on more project work, none of it can be achieved without the right people.

Technical engineering recruiters NRL have worked with businesses up and down the supply chain for over four decades, ensuring the right staffing levels are in place together with the skills and expertise needed to progress. As Director Rebecca Graves explains, there are several options when it comes to recruiting to support engineering projects and business expansion.

Think about the skills required

Are these needed on a permanent basis? Are they already available within the business or could development plans be created to upskill colleagues with the support of external contractors to bridge the knowledge gap? It may be advantageous to hire a team of temporary contractors to scale up capacity to deliver multiple projects at a time.

Consider how long you’ll need the expertise for

There are various engagement options for working with contractors, including using your recruitment agency to manage them through a Pay As You Earn (PAYE) payroll, or through a specific Statement of Work (SoW). A SoW is particularly beneficial when you have clear requirements on when the need for support will start and end, and a definitive list of deliverables you need completed, utilising skills that are not available within your existing workforce.

Look at transferable skills

When considering new workforce requirements, whether they will be permanently employed or contracted, think about the benefits that you can gain by recruiting someone who works in a different industry sector. Complementary sectors can bring a different perspective, new ideas and innovations – providing the opportunity to transfer knowledge and share best practice.

Build in flexibility

Ensure your workforce strategy allows you to scale up and down to manage any peaks your industry sector may face, injecting the agility needed to gain a competitive advantage when bidding for new business.

If you’re looking for support to build the right workforce strategy for your business, get in touch with Rebecca on

You can read the full November issue of In-Cumbria business magazine online.