Identifying The Right People To Deliver Engineering Projects

Identifying the right people to deliver engineering projects

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Identifying the right people to deliver engineering projects

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 2 years ago
  • Author: Rebecca Graves

When it comes to managing the peaks and demands of engineering projects, identifying the required skills and talent at the right time is crucial to ensure project success – as NRL’s Egremont Director Rebecca Graves discusses with In-Cumbria business magazine.

​When organisations secure lucrative new contracts to deliver their expertise at scale, there’ll often be a requirement to bring on board a number of temporary workers in line with strict timescales.

For engineering recruitment experts NRL, their 40 years in the business has shown them one thing – that recruiting a large volume of temporary workers to deliver a project requires a specialist set of skills. From understanding the best places to promote vacancies to attract the right candidates, to managing a robust application process to verify qualifications, check references and manage security clearance. Then ensuring the right processes are in place to allow temporary workers to engage through their chosen pay model; such as Pay As You Earn, Umbrella or Limited Company.

Where sites and projects are being operated under a working agreement, such as NAECI (the National Agreement for the Engineering and Construction Industry), this adds to the complexity. NRL’s team have been successfully delivering NAECI supply chain solutions to clients since 2008, with in-house expertise that has managed the recruitment and payroll calculations for over 5,000 workers.

It's this extensive experience that has resulted in NRL taking a strategic approach to managing projects for clients. Working with them to custom build online recruitment processes, centred around candidate experience, whilst ensuring all compliance is managed in the background. This is then supported by a targeted marketing campaign to ensure the local community benefits from the work opportunities on-site, and a dedicated project team to support workers during their assignments.

Businesses who use a recruitment partner to help them recruit and engage temporary workers for a project vastly benefit from the expertise of their industry experienced recruitment team. It allows their operational team to free up time and resources, to focus on the project deliverables with the support of their recruitment partner to engage the right people at the right time.

NRL’s Egremont-based Director Rebecca Graves discusses how NRL have been helping engineering companies with their projects for 40 years.

“Where organisations need to quickly recruit and onboard workers to support an upcoming project, it can be a huge challenge. It’s something NRL are accustomed to, as we work with engineering companies to support projects of all sizes. Whether organisations need to retain a number of specialist skilled workers to work across a number of projects or need a large support team to temporarily support the increase of people on a site.

When working rule agreements are in place, or a special arrangement has been reached between trade unions and all parties engaging workers on site – this can add to the challenge.

At NRL, this is where we can add real value for our clients. Fully experienced in working within frameworks such as NAECI and CIJC, our team can develop a dedicated project recruitment process and targeted marketing campaign to secure the right skills and workers.”

 If you’re looking for project support, then reach out to Rebecca on

You can read the full April issue of In-Cumbria business magazine online.