Shaping An Equity, Diversity And Inclusion Strategy For Your Organisation

Shaping an equity, diversity and inclusion strategy for your organisation

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Shaping an equity, diversity and inclusion strategy for your organisation

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 2 years ago
  • Author: Rebecca Graves

The topic of inclusion has never been more important as organisations consider how they can make progress to ensure their workforce is diverse and their business is best placed to secure future success – as NRL’s Egremont Director Rebecca Graves discusses with In-Cumbria business magazine.

For engineering and technical recruitment specialists NRL, this drive for diversity is a very familiar one that is seen across all industry sectors that they support as well as within their own business. Like many companies they are on their own journey to ensure their organisation is as proactive as possible – with a focus on equity and thinking inclusively.

The phrase equity may be unfamiliar to some organisations however. It expands past the concept of everyone being treated equally, known as equality, and recognises that different levels of support and adjustment may be required to create a level playing field for everyone to have a fair chance of achieving their work goals. Whether that’s changes to their workstation set-up to accommodate their different needs or allowing neurodivergent people to work from home to reduce noise and background distraction and allow them to complete their tasks more effectively.

“It’s great to be able to have meaningful conversations with our clients around equity, diversity and inclusion.”

As part of their ongoing focus, recruitment colleagues across NRL’s network of branches welcomed the opportunity to undertake formal equity, diversity and inclusion training provided by the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo). Following completion, the business was awarded APSCo’s Inclusive+ Recruiter certification, which has left colleagues keen to open conversations with their clients around how they can build on their knowledge to develop diversity strategies to attract a broader range of candidates.

Egremont-based Director Rebecca Graves discusses NRL’s progress.

“It’s great to be able to have meaningful conversations with our clients around equity, diversity and inclusion. Especially when they operate in industries such as nuclear power where there’s a real chance to reshape the future generation of our nuclear workforce.

Our Inclusive+ Recruiter training and certification has provided a great catalyst to help us build on the positive progress we’ve already been making – and it’s something our clients are really keen to work with us on.

The first step is always the hardest to achieve though, which is why we’ve created an insight guide to help organisations tackle the challenge of drawing up their own equity, diversity and inclusion strategy that’s packed with meaningful objectives around how they want to shape their organisation to achieve the best balance. We’re delighted to be able to share this guidance with them and support them along the way as their supply chain partner.”

Insight Guide

You can view and download your complimentary copy of NRL’s Shaping an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion strategy insight guide below. For more information about how NRL can support your business reach out to Rebecca on

download Insight Guide

You can read the full March issue of In-Cumbria business magazine online.