Let linkedin know you're open to work

Let LinkedIn know you’re open to work

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Let LinkedIn know you’re open to work

  • Publish Date: Posted over 4 years ago
  • Author: Marketing Team

​If you’ve found yourself in the unfortunate position of facing redundancy, it can feel extremely daunting. Perhaps you don’t know how to begin the process of looking for a new job.

With the global pandemic resulting in many positions being made redundant, social media network LinkedIn has launched a feature to help connect people with potential new job opportunities.

Open to work, allows users to notify their network and recruiters that they are looking for a new job. A green banner can be added to your profile image to instantly show people that you’re open to work, as well as giving you the option to let recruiters see that you are job hunting.

Tell LinkedIn you are #OpenToWork

Find out more about setting up #OpenToWork in LinkedIn's handy article here:

Open to work

Tell your network you are #OpenToWork

To help raise your profile you could post regular updates, to let your network know you're on the look out for roles. Remember to use the hashtag #OpenToWork when you post on LinkedIn, this will help others see that you're looking for work.

Make social connections

Don't forget to connect with your previous managers and colleagues, and any recruiters you speak to during your job searching. The more connections, the more people will see your updates - and you could even ask them to share them with their connections to help your updates reach even more people

Don't forget to also make sure you're following recruitment organisations such as NRL on LinkedIn - then you'll be able to see the latest jobs being managed by their recruitment teams.

​Follow NRL on Linkedin

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